CPF’s annual Fiesta de Ayni was held on May 18th in Minneapolis

Hugh Smeltekop Ayni Event

Throughout the evening, $24,000 was raised for general operating costs at the College. At the event, CPF board chair Mark Leahy reviewed the past 24 years of the College, and its work to prepare young leaders for success. Looking forward, CPF board member Tara Nolan and long-time administrator of the College Andrés Pardo presented 2020 Vision, a three-year initiative funded by Inter-American Development Bank and the Katherine B. Andersen Fund to promote rural entrepreneurship at the College. Sarah Mechtenberg was presented with the 2017 Spirit of Ayni Award for her contributions over the past 14 years as both a UAC-CP volunteer and CPF staff person.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and special thanks to Kimberly Lane and Diana Medina for donating raffle items.

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