First International Congress Hosted at College


On September 26, the College kicked off its first 3-day international conference: “Environment, Education, & Health in the Era of Sustainable Development.”

The conference, which was co-hosted by the College’s academic partner: la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico, showcased academics from the UAC-CP, the UAEM, and Catholic University of Bolivia. All speakers touched on topics that related to areas of study at the College in Carmen Pampa, with regard to sustainable development.

UAC-CP Agronomy graduate Dr. Angel Rolando Endara who is a faculty member at UAEM in Mexico, helped to develop and organize the series of workshops. He noted that it was a marvelous opportunity to be able to return to Carmen Pampa for this professional collaboration.

In addition to UAC-CP students, the event was open to all interested participants. In total, 522 people attended the event.


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