CPF Legacy Giver Profile – Sharon Bussard

Legacy Giver Profile

I am proud to know that our legacy will help to educate young Bolivians at the College

Sharon Bussard and her late husband Paul were among Carmen Pampa Fund’s first donors. When their good friend and CPF co-founder Dick Leahy asked them to help build a college in Bolivia, they happily agreed to financially support the cause.

However, it was their trip to visit the budding college in 1997 that really won them over. ” That experience of visiting Carmen Pampa was marvelous! It made everything so real for us; we became believers,” Sharon recalled.

Throughout the years, Sharon and Paul became regular donors and advocates of CPF’s work. Sharon served on the CPF Board of Directors from 2000 – 2004 and both regularly attended fundraisers and events in the Twin Cities area.

When Paul passed away in 2013, Sharon welcomed friends and family to direct memorials to CPF. For Sharon, it was an important way to educate people about a project very dear to Paul’s heart A former teacher, Sharon believes strongly in the power of education. ” Education is a core value. It is the way for any child, in any part of the world, to improve his or her life.”

Sharon’s strong belief in the power of education to transform lives continues to be her primary motivator for supporting the College.

It’s also the reason why she is choosing to leave part of her and her late husband’s legacy with CPF and the College. “Paul and I worked very hard for what we have. That is why I want to have some control over what happens to our assets after I die” It’s important to Sharon that their legacy reflect their life-long values.

Sharon said the process to designate CPF as a recipient of her IRA account was as simple as talking with her broker and providing CPF’s mailing address. “Its really easy.”

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