Donor Feature: Katelyn Engel

Katelyn Engel is a resident of Minneapolis, MN, but she originally hails from Plymouth, MN. Katelyn works in public health, advocating for kidney patients through the National Kidney Foundation.
In her free time, Katelyn likes to spend time outside. She is very active and takes advantage of Minnesota’s vibrant outdoor culture by running, biking and cross-country skiing throughout the year. Katelyn also has a lovable companion that joins in on her outdoor adventures: her dog, Reggie.
How did she get involved with Carmen Pampa Fund?
Katelyn’s older brother graduated from college and moved to Bolivia to volunteer at the UAC-CP in 2008. He worked there for an entire year, and over Christmas break Katelyn and her family visited him to celebrate the holiday season in Carmen Pampa. There, Katelyn had the opportunity to see the College firsthand and learn about the work that they do in the community on an intimate level. Ever since, Katelyn has been involved with CPF.
Why does Katelyn donate to Carmen Pampa Fund?
Katelyn asserts that education is an incredibly important asset that allows individuals and communities to “rise up and improve their economic standings.” Thus, just like in any context around the world, education plays an important role in Bolivia. Katelyn observed that CPF and the UAC-CP actively work to provide access to an education to those who would not otherwise receive one. In particular, the indigenous people and women: 54% of UAC-CP graduates are women, and more than 82% of the student body self-identify with an indigenous tribe or nation.
What message does she have for other Carmen Pampa Fund donors?
Katelyn works within the nonprofit world, and says that “as far as nonprofits go, CPF does a good job of using their resources well.” She highlighted the way in which CPF is a transparent organization that spends money where they say they will. Katelyn has been to Bolivia and seen the College first hand, so she knows that the majority of the resources provided to CPF go directly to the College and its needs (and not “big fancy events”). She highlighted that donations to CPF are “great value for money” as it is not the CPF that benefits from donations, rather it is the students and faculty in Bolivia.
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