CPF Executive Director on Campus for Month of January

CPF Executive Director Hugh Smeltekop spent the month of January at the College in Carmen Pampa. The objective of his trip was multi-faceted: accompany the Engineers Without Borders volunteers who came to work on the water system, meet with the team implementing the Inter-American Development Bank grant to launch an entrepreneurship program and business institute at the College, facilitate UAC-CP leadership meetings about the College’s annual budget, and be available to the University of St. Thomas VISION team.
“It’s been wonderful to be back in Carmen Pampa–being at the College always re-energizes me!” Hugh said. “Of course with technology, I’m just one phone call or Skype call away from talking with UAC-CP leadership for planning purposes, but it’s also very important that I come to the College at least twice per year so I can maintain solid relationships with administrators and faculty and also have an opportunity to connect with students and alumni.”
Hugh plans to return to Carmen Pampa in July 2018 to host Carmen Pampa Fund’s 25th Anniversary Tour to the UAC-CP.
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