External Relations Coordinator Organizes Visits and Volunteers

Ruben Mamani

CPF is happy to introduce Rubén Mamani, the new on-site External Relations Coordinator.Rubén started his role at the UAC-CP in January 2019. CPF Executive Director, Hugh Smeltekop, is optimistic about what CPF will be able to accomplish with Rubén in the position.

Rubén, who  was born and raised in Bolivia’s capital city of La Paz, obtained his undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in chemical and environmental engineering in the U.S. Ruben’s engineering and green technologies expertise will be a compliment to water and other projects on the UAC-CP campus.

Rubén has traveled throughout the U.S., Central and South America, and Europe. He is skilled at working with people from a variety of backgrounds and introducing visitors to Bolivia.

“Rubén’s English skills have made my orientation smoother and helped me build a better understanding of the UAC-CP and Bolivia much faster,” said Barb Jeanetta, a Minnesota native volunteering at the College.

Rubén hit the ground running in January by coordinating the visit of the University of St. Thomas’ VISION Program. He organized the logistics of travel, food, lodging, cultural experiences, and service activities for the UST students. 

Rubén looks forward to working on campus and being around the energy of UAC-CP students.  

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