Long-time UAC-CP Educators Receive Franciscan Mission Service Award

At an event held in Washington, D.C., on May 5th, Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) presented the Anselm Moons Award to Missionary Franciscan Sisters Damon Nolan, Jean Morrissey, and Chris Cullen in honor of their work founding and supporting the College. FMS, which sends lay missioners across the world, offers this award to individuals who exemplify Franciscan values. The Sisters accepted their award on behalf of the many people who helped them build the College. Fr Joe Nangle, long-time Director of FMS who worked with the Sisters in the 1980s, was there to congratulate them.
Sr. Damon thanked missioners who, over the years, brought their technical skills, their love, and their willingness to work alongside Bolivian educators and students. Sr. Jean said her 12 years in Carmen Pampa were the most challenging yet fulfilling of her religious life. Sr. Chris joked about secretly squirreling away money and surprising College co-founder Dick Leahy with a basketball court. She also thanked all the volunteers who have been so supportive of her. FMS has brought 14 volunteers to Carmen Pampa over the past 20 years. Among the 130 people who attended the event were graduates and former volunteers of the College, CPF donors, FMS staff and board members, friars, and leaders of different Franciscan orders.
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